27th May 2016
Dear Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students,
Professor Sara Hurley, Chief Dental Officer England, gave a fascinating talk to the School and Dental Hospital staff and students in University Place. Sara gave examples from her military career of strategic planning and leadership, and the importance of policy being informed by research evidence. The event was to celebrate her recent appointment as Honorary Professor in Dentistry the School of Dentistry. The talk was followed by lunch and then smaller meetings with the Dental School Senior Management Team, Gill Heaton, Deputy Chief Executive CMFT, Dr Mike Pemberton, Clinical Head of Division Dental Division, and Stephen Dickson, Divisional Director. Mike and I then took Sara on a tour of the Dental Hospital. Pictures of the event are on the School Facebook page.
Before her visit to us, Sara had been in meetings at 3 Piccadilly Place the previous day and morning organized by Lindsey Bowes, Senior Primary Care Manager (Dental). These had involved a large number of people including Dr Deborah Moore, Dr Martin Ashley, Dr Hilary Whitehead, Dr Jim Hamilton and Dr Simon Taylor. I also attended to present the importance of education and research in service transformation.
Professor Peter Clayton is to be Head of the new School of Medical Sciences in which Dentistry sits, effective from 1 August 2016. This is on an interim basis for one year. This is really excellent news. Professor Clayton is currently Director of the Institute of Human Development and I know him well. Peter graduated from Manchester University Medical School in 1984 before embarking on an academic career in paediatric endocrinology. He was a MRC Travelling Fellow at the University of Virginia, USA in the early 1990s. On his return to Manchester, he established a research group focusing on human growth disorders.
The BDA Conference & Exhibition 2016 is being held at Manchester Central Convention Complex this week and finishes tomorrow. I am attending today and also the BDA Honours and Awards Gala Dinner tomorrow evening. Dr Alka Saksena and Dr Mark Hunter were amongst the speakers this year. Our School has a stand at the BDA Exhibition that has been busy promoting the School and in particular the opportunities available for postgraduate
Second Year BDS students had their MCQ examination this morning. Staff, including myself, have been marking short answer papers this week.
Paras Alizadeh and all Social Reps are organizing a Dental Review! This will take place on the 10th June, from 7.30 pm at club Academy in the Students Union. I am told that there will be lots of talented acts, a charity Take me out special and MDDS quiz! Tickets are only £2 for MDSS and £3 for non-MDSS guests and will be available on the MDSS webpage in due course. All staff and students are invited to this last student event the year so please put this in your diary now and I’ll see you there!
I am pleased to announce that Dr Vitalia Kinakh and Dr Kathryn Taylor have been promoted from Teaching Fellow to Lecturer (Teaching Focused) as of 1st August 2016. Congratulations to both!
I attended the CMFT Divisional Management Board meeting and the Faculty Head of School meeting where we discussed the restructure, PES, and the BRC application. I have also had a Faculty Estates meeting and a Finance meeting with Chris Trask to discuss progression of some new academic posts.
Recent BDS graduate Catherine Moshkun competed in the ice dance categories last week at the British Adult Championships at Ice Sheffield. She has managed to fit in skating training whilst also doing a busy junior hospital Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery job. Catherine has been offered a DCT2 post split between Preston and our Dental Hospital in Maxfax/Oral Surgery so we will be seeing more of her soon. Pictures are on the School Facebook page.
Recent BDS graduate Zac Lee-Green came 5th at the British Rowing Trials and has just been to Varese, Italy, to compete in a World Cup regatta where he finished 8th. He will hopefully race at the World Championships in August and after that, rowing training begins for Tokyo 2020.
This weekend will be spent in Manchester. I am attending the BDA Honours and Awards Gala Dinner tomorrow evening. Imogen will be taking an exam revision break with 7 AS level examinations out of the way and only one to go. My mother is coming to stay for the weekend. Matthew is spending the weekend in London with friends. My wife, Fiona’s car is very sick so need to think about fix or scrap. I think we will plan to go out for dinner on
The alternative version of this School News is available at: http://dentistrymanchester.edublogs.org http://blogs.mhs.manchester.ac.uk/pgdent/
Best wishes,
Paul Coulthard
Head of the School of Dentistry
https://www.facebook.com/UoMDentistry https://twitter.com/DenSchoolMan.